ABLE have a long and successful association with Siemens Sitrans range of WideBeam ultrasonic clamp-on liquid and gas flow meters for temporary (portable) or fixed (dedicated) installations.
SITRANS FS flow sensors and transmitters deliver impressive performance for a variety of liquids and gases – even under the toughest conditions: district heating and cooling, water and wastewater treatment, Petrochemical plants.
The combination of ABLE’s expertise in ultrasonic flow metering, honed over nearly 40 years, and Siemens’ high precision instruments is a powerful alliance.
ABLE have been at the forefront of Clamp-On Technology for over 30 years. Learn more.
Have a particular application / project in mind? We’d welcome a call on +44 (0) 1189 169 420 or alternatively, email us now at info@247able.com